Keynote Speeches & Seminars 

What Experts are saying 

Please visit our Wellness Library Page - Dr. Taub makes  his books available for free reading and downloading 



State University of NY,  Binghamton

M.D. Degree;  Upstate Medical School in Syracuse, New York, 1963

Internship, U.C Irvine, 1964

Pediatrics Residency,  USC, LA County Hospital, 1966-68

Certification & Affiliations:

American Academy of Pediatrics

American Medical Association
American Geriatrics Society
Assoc. Clinical Professor, U.C. Irvine  (Ret) 

Previous Medical Practices

The Wellness Medical Institute:

   ~Childrens Hospital Of Orange County

   ~Western Medical Center, CA,

   ~St. Joseph's Hospital,  Orange, CA.

   ~Wabash Hospital,  IL,

   ~ Snowbird-Alta Clinic,  Utah, 

Director, Tustin-Irvine Medical Group 

Director, Chapman University Clinic 

 Ship Doctor,  Windstar Cruise Line 

Wellness Accomplishments and Activities
Pioneered Integrative Medicine with his presentations at the Children's Hospital of Orange County and the Institute of Medicine, titled: ""Integrative Medicine: A Biosocial & Psychospiritual Approach to Health (1980).

Founded Teamsters & AFL/CIO Labor Union Integrative Medicine Clinic and PPO/HMO 

Served as National Spokesperson for the AMA’s "Quit Smoking Wellness Vaccination.” 

Founded first Hospital Wellness Departments

Administered Wellness Vaccinations during over 75 “Voyages to Wellness” on Cunard, Windstar and Holland America Cruise Lines. 

Created  “Wellness Evaluation Scales" with   Harvard Mind Body Institute.

National PBS show based on Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life book.


Stress Management in Today’s World (Reader’s Digest, 2009) with Michael Levin and David Oliphant 

The Wellness Solution with Ferid Murad, M.D., Ph.D, and David Oliphant (World  Almanac, 2007)

Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life; 28 Day Permanent Weight Loss Plan  (Kensington 1999), with David Oliphant.

Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life; Total Health Rejuvenation (Simon & Schuster, 2001), with David Oliphant.

Seven Steps To Self-Healing (Dorling Kindersley,  1996)

The Wellness Rx (Prentice Hall, 1994)

Rx For Life  (Wellness America,1989)

Voyage To Wellness (Wellness, 1987)

Military Service

U.S. Public Health Service; Chief, Outpatient Clinics, Great Lakes

 U.S. Coast Guard; Lt. Commander 

Present and Recent Activity:
Licensed Physician & Surgeon (CA, 1964) 

Current Medical Practice: "The Wellness Medical Institute"; Laguna Niguel, CA

Wellness Medical Advisor: Insider's Guide to and the Viceroy Zihuatanejo Resort. 

Director of Integrative Medicine, The Southern California Hospice Foundation.

Partner, TO-LIFE, LLC; Wellness Education and Product Development, 

Ship Doctor and "Voyage To Wellness" Director; 
the historic Schooner, Curlew, Dana Point, CA

Recent Panelist; Dalai Lama Compassion In Medicine Initiative; UC Irvine Medical School

QVC's Wellness Medical Doctor (ret): created

Nature’s Code Nutritional Supplement System


​“Wise physicians recognize that the physiological and psychological resources of patients

 are an important part of the total treatment strategy, ​along with the best that modern

 medical science has to offer. Dr. Taub makes full use of the latest research in the concept

of the patient-physician partnership. His work has extraordinary merit” 

  -Norman Cousins; Recipient of the Albert Schweitzer Award for Humanitarianism, 
                  Professor Of Psychiatry, UCLA Medical School; Author, "Anatomy Of An Illness."

​​Changing The Health Dimension 


The Wellness Solution & Molecular Wellness

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Dr. Edward A. Taub is a Pediatrician and Family Physician. He's called  “America’s Wellness Medical Doctor,” because he inspires and empowers children and adults to help determine their own health destiny.

He pioneered Integrative Medicine 
as a blend of modern medicine and older traditions of healing based on stimulating our natural Healing Force. He states that Integrative Medicine must be as spiritual as it is scientific--explaining that "While our health is too important to be left up to science, it's also too important to be unscientific about."

Dr. Taub describes Molecular Wellness as more than just the absence of disease. Rather, it's a sense
of vitality reflecting our physical, mental and spiritual energies being in balance so the power of our natural Healing Force flows freely to nourish and nurture our entire being.

His Wellness Solution helps achieve this goal; indeed it was the basis for the only smoking cessation program ever endorsed by the American Medical Association, as well as the basis for establishing the first two Wellness Departments in American hospitals.  

As QVC's Wellness Medical Doctor, Dr. Taub created the world's largest Wellness Medical practice with his message broadcast to over 100 million homes: “Health is primarily determined by our own personal responsibility, self-value, and reverence for life."

He's authored 8 books. "Balance Your Body, Balance Your Life" was made into a PBS special. "The Wellness Solution," co-authored with Dr. Ferid Murad, a Nobel Laureate, and David Oliphant, a well-informed patient, was published by the World Almanac Company in 2007.

Dr. Murad shared the 1998 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering that the lining of our blood vessels, 
which science calls the Endothelium, produces Nitric Oxide molecules that send signals to our cells and organs to help them stay well and function as nature intended. 

The Taub-Murad-Oliphant collaboration led to identifying Nitric Oxide molecules as our  "Spark Of Life"--our natural Healing Force. They also identified the Endothelium as a vital organ--teeming with life. These are stunning concepts!

Dr. Taub further identified the Endothelium as our "Life Organ" or "Wellness Organ. This concept is simple enough for virtually anyone to understand--thus offering a landmark   opportunity to help people understand and attain Molecular Wellness. 

The Wellness Solution supports Endothelial health--which naturally begins fading around the age of  40; but the Endothelium becomes unnaturally sick when attacked by constant stress--which Dr. Taub believes is equivalent to the major virus of our time! 

Dr. Taub knows just dispensing facts will not cause most people to behave more healthfully. Thus, his goal is inspiring and empowering individuals to take the necessary steps to live healthier, happier lives by attaining Molecular Wellness.


Edward A Taub MD